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Project Name

DisinformACTION - Teachers training done in France!


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DisinformACTION! - Counter Climate Change Disinformation through youth E-participation is a 24-month project implemented by a consortium of 4 organizations (GEYC - Romania, RESOPA - France, MiHi - Latvia and EuroMuevete - Spain) with the general objective of fostering the ability of young people to identify online climate change disinformation and misinformation, while at the same time encouraging them to become active citizens in their local communities when it comes to issues related to climate and environment.

In total, 69 students were involved in workshops conducted by the teachers who were previously trained to the Climate Change Ambassadors methodology. An initial training session was held on June 15, 2024, with 9 students, then on June 25, three more sessions counting 24,17 and19 students respectively. The trainings happened at the Institute of social work (ITSRA) in Clermont-Ferrand, France.


Students were interested in the topic, and gave positive feedback to their teachers, saying that the participative methods were efficient and should be more often used in classrooms. They were able to use digital tools and identified some of them, such as Canva,  as useful for other school projects.


The teachers who implemented the method were proud of themselves, and it was apparently interesting for them to notice that their vision on the topic was different after the sessions : their students brought new visions and enriched the debate by enlightening new ways of communicating online. They were able to use their natural skills and experience of social media to participate with enthusiasm to the sessions.

For most of the students, the parliament debate was a “fun moment” and a good way to train the rhetorical skills and apply the skills they just learned, in terms of disinformation and misinformation detecting.

Some future social services managers students were also trained, so they can implement the method in their professional life later.​

Special thanks to ITSRA, the institute of social work in Clermont-Ferrand, for helping us implement the sessions and making their teachers able to animate the workshops with their students. Another session is also planned in September, in order to train 20 more teachers and achieve even better amounts of people affected by the project.

Next step : the bootcamp in September, hosted in Clermont-Ferrand by RESOPA !
Around 50 teachers and students from Romania, Latvia, Spain and France will meet to exchange practices and share their experiences and outcomes of the sessions.


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