Our team is skilled in training, leading and coordinating EU-funded projects, particularly in the youth sector. From youth exchanges, where we facilitated and led sessions, to training courses where we worked as both trainers and project collaborators, we have directly contributed to training, coaching, and emancipating over 200 young people through different projects in France and Europe. Since 2018, we have contributed to 38 projects.
RESOPA has been participating in projects either as coordinators or as partners assuming the following responsibilities and tasks:
As coordinators (7 Erasmus+ projects): project management, budgeting, project implementation, project evaluation.
As partners (31 Erasmus+ projects): research, toolkit creation, events management, consultation for impact assessment, sustainability strategy.
Below you can find more information about the projects we have developed or participated in:

Partnerships for Creativity
1. Creaction 4 EU - view Erasmus+ project card
Partnerships for Youth
European Integration through Storytelling - view Erasmus+ project card
CODEMI - Empowering Disadvantaged Communities through Coding and Digital Entrepreneurship - view Erasmus+ project card
Entrepreneurship Impact and Youth Work as Related to Community Development and Sustainability - view Erasmus+ project card
1. Youth Social Entrepreneurs Potential - view Erasmus+ project card
Mobility of Youth Workers
Youth Work in the Digital Era - view Erasmus+ project card
Silent book e digital storytelling per l'inclusione e l'integrazione dei migranti - view Erasmus+ project card
Making Authentic Projects and Fostering the Inclusion of Youth from Isolated Communities - view Erasmus+ project card
Youth Mobilities
Slow Life Rural Camp II - view Erasmus+ project card
Youth Hiking for Future - view Erasmus+ project card
Addictech - view Erasmus+ project card
Theater as a Mechanism for Social Support of Young People with Fewer Opportunities - view Erasmus+ project card
GREENLICIOUS: Responsible Consumption for Zero Waste - view Erasmus+ project card
BEES - view Erasmus+ project card
The Young Minds Solving Climate Change - view Erasmus+ project card
Made 4 You(th) - view Erasmus+ project card
T4T in Peace Education - view Erasmus+ project card
A Mediterranean Climate Journey: from Migrations to Blue Nature-based solutions - view Erasmus+ project card
Boost Up: Improving Competences of Youth Worker for Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities - view Erasmus+ project card
Goals Against Discrimination - view Erasmus+ project card
Legendary Meeting - view Erasmus+ project card
My Action: Coaching for Youth - view Erasmus+ project card
NGOConnect - view Erasmus+ project card
Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives - view Erasmus+ project card
#letstalkinclusion - view Erasmus+ project card
Out of the Box - view Erasmus+ project card
Entre Ruralités! - Youth Work in Rural Development - view Erasmus+ project card
Media Busters: Action! - view Erasmus+ project card
Slow Life Rural Camp - view Erasmus+ project card
Entrepreneurship for Young People in Rural Areas - view Erasmus+ project card
Enhancing the Delivery of Guidance and Employability - view Erasmus+ project card
Inner Engineering - view Erasmus+ project card
Sport and Game for Inclusion - view Erasmus+ project card
Youth Environmental Project! - view Erasmus+ project card
Inter-religious Dialogue - view Erasmus+ project card
Digital Storytelling as a Tool for Migrants Inclusion and Integration (TC) - view Erasmus+ project card
Global Cotton from the Bottom - view Erasmus+ project card
Zero Waste to Play - view Erasmus+ project card